Thursday, January 26, 2012

Life's Greatest Adventure

The other day I was catching up with an old instructor from school. I went in to see him about a favor, but we ended up talking for a while. He did most of the talking, but it was nice to catch up with him.

At some point in our talk, the topic of our pregnancy came up. He congratulated me and he mentioned that he was going to be a grandfather for the first time. Then he said something that stuck in my mind.

"Life's greatest adventure. It really is."

I didn't say anything; I just smiled and nodded. He has been through this and know what he is talking about. At this point any comment from me would be like a high school football player talking about what it means to play in the John Madden. In other words, I haven't traveled the road enough to tell you what traffic is like. Enough bad analogies for now.  

We are about 15 weeks into the journey, and to be honest it is kind of a dull spot. I don't want it to sound like I'm taking this for granted, but in the grand scheme of things there is not much going on right now. Let me elaborate.

First you have "The Decision." This is the moment that you decide to have a baby. It is very significant and there is a lot that goes into making "That Decision." It can't be taken lightly. This is a long-term commitment. You are deciding to start a family. Families are the foundation of a society. If families are weak, then society will be weak.

Then you have "The Discovery." This moment could be broken into several different sections. There is the moment where you think you might be pregnant, and then there is the moment you know you are pregnant. The thinking part comes from feeling some of the initial symptoms. The knowing part comes from a positive pregnancy test. Special moment.

After that you have what is know as "The Reveal." This is when you tell your friends and family in whatever way you deem appropriate. We told our families in person, but most of our friends found out through social media. My parents are going to be first-time grandparents, so I wanted that moment to be memorable; it was.

That sets off a rush of events. The unpleasant symptoms kick and, you choose a doctor, and you begin to get your home ready for baby. There are several doctor's visit including a couple of ultrasounds. More and more people have heard the news and everyone is happy for you. They all want to know if its a boy or a girl, and we patiently explain that we won't know until March. 

Then you get to where we are; we are in a dull moment. My wife isn't suffering as much as she was in her first trimester. She is starting to show a little more each day, but what we are really anxious for is the ultrasound in March. Then we will know if we are having a boy or a girl. That will make shopping so much easier for my wife.

More than anything, I think this is the calm before the storm. This is the perfect time to stock up on diapers and other essential items. These are the last few months where it will be just the two of us for many years. Our children will be our responsibility until they go to college, get married, or I send them to boarding school in Europe. I would like to keep my options open.


  1. That really is a huge life change but a very positive one. I can't wait to go through that process that you speak of. It'll be a while, but when it does, it's going to be amazing.

  2. Congratulations!
    My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a few months now and this post nearly put me in tears. A baby is the most precious gift in the world, I reproduce is pretty much our purpose in life (at least that's what my anthropology professor told me).
    I look forward to reading your milestones!
