Sunday, April 22, 2012

Neglected Blog

I hate how much my blog gets neglected when I'm in school. I have to go to class, then work, then homework, and well, you get the picture. As far as the pregnancy is concerned, we are patiently waiting for July, 20th to come around. It seems like a far way off, but we are also sensing that time is flying by. We know that our life is going to drastically change in a few months, so we are doing everything we can to get ready. Take yesterday for example, we packed up the Honda and we went to the beach.

I know going to the beach has nothing to do with having a baby, but it kind of does. Our little trip was a mini "baby-moon." It was one of those trips were you talk about it, but you don't actually decide that you're going to go until the day before. So, we decided to make the trip, went to the grocery store, grabbed a few things and off we went. It was just for the day so there was no need to pack anything or make a big deal out of it. It was spontaneous.

Perfect day
It so happened that yesterday was the perfect day to go to the coast. It was slightly cloudy in Albany, but as we moved closer to Newport the clouds completely disappeared. I don't think I have ever seen such perfect weather on the Oregon coast.

The drive was pretty quiet, but at a certain point we started to think about how radically different this trip will be in a few months when Anaya comes.We came to the conclusion that it won't be as easy to just take off to the beach for a day. In fact, it will be downright complicated. Anyone who had kids is vigorously nodding right now. We have to pack for three; I know she won't be helpful in that department.

We will have to pack for us and a baby. That means diapers, extra diapers, baby clothes, extra baby clothes, stroller, high-chair, blankets, extra blankets, and the list goes on. The trip also won't be as spontaneous; we will actually have to think about it for more than five minutes. The drive to Newport takes about an hour; that will probably double. We will have to stop if she gets hungry, tired, car sick, or if she needs to be changed. 

This is just one of the ways that our life is changing. We are giving control of our lives to something that will weigh less than 20lbs. We are in the home stretch. The crib will come soon, the nursery will take shape, and we will stockpile diapers like it's the end of the world. We might as well enjoy our last few moments as a young couple. In a few months we will be parents of a baby girl; not even the Mayans saw this one coming.


  1. That picture looks beautiful, what lovely weather!
    It's good that you are thinking in that way, like what ways things will change, I guess that means that you are becoming more prepared, even if just mentally?
    Congrats on nearly becoming a new parent and good luck for July! =D

    1. The preparation is multi-faceted. There is literal preparation like buying diapers and things. Then there is a mental and emotional preparation that is more important. Your mentality has to change to that of a parent. I am becoming more and more prepared every day. Thank you for reading.
