Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Definitions of Irony

The dictionary has a definition for irony, but I won't bother telling you what it is. The truth is, the definitions confused me more than anything. It seems that the only way to explain irony is to illustrate it or point it out as it is happening.

Irony is happening to us.

Shortly after we announced our pregnancy, my wife's BFF told us that she too was pregnant. We were really happy for them, and my wife and her friend were excited about being pregnant at the same time. Her due date was a couple of weeks after ours, so all of her milestones were always a week or two behind ours. At our five month mark, we found out that we were having a girl, and shortly thereafter they told us that they were having a girl too. It became a joke, and we told them to stop copying us.

The pregnancies were very different, as pregnancies tend to be, and the way things were going it seemed that my wife would deliver our girl sooner. She was carrying her lower, and she was having more contractions. I think you know where I'm headed with this. 

My wife's friend gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last week several weeks before her due date and several days before our due date. She had an easy and quick delivery after not expecting much to happen. The doctor was even caught a little off guard. We couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation. 

Currently, we are three days passed our due date, and it sometimes feels like there is no end in sight. We know that there is, but when you anticipate something like this the wait feels endless. Holding our friends baby was like getting a small sample of the future. 

My complaining about waiting may feel never-ending, but it too will come to an end. In my heart I know that in the near future I will crave these moments of tranquility, so I'm doing my best to enjoy them. 
Fast forward a few hours. My wife went into labor earlier today at about 4:45. Things are progressing, and we will hopefully be meeting our daughter soon. Stay tuned for the labor story.

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