Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Roller-coaster Ride

There are probably a million ways to describe the pregnancy journey. One that comes to mind right now is a roller-coaster ride. There are highs, lows, and everything in between. There are events that you anticipate for a long time, and the excitement build slowly. Then you hit the peak, and there is a rush that happens as you descend towards normalcy. The lows are not always bad, but they are usually boring.

Right now, we are in the middle of a low. We found out that we are having a baby girl, and after the initial rush, things settled down. I think my wife and I experienced the moment differently. If you read the last post, then you know that we were expecting a boy. It was something that I was so sure about, and being told otherwise was hard to process. I really was in a mild shock. So was my wife, but she got over it as soon as we went shopping. Knowing what to expect makes it so much easier when you are buying everything you need.

It was different for me; I was set on a baby boy. I don't mean this to sound like I'm complaining because I'm not. I'm thrilled we are having a baby girl. Yet, I went through a slight adjustment period that don't really know what to call. During the shopping trip I kept glancing at all the little boy outfits, especially ones that had to do with sports and what not.

That lasted for a few days, but now I'm over it. for a while I thought I would feel that way until I see her, but I think I am coming around. I can't wait to see her, hold her, and wrap her in the Ralph Loren blanket I picked out for her. My baby girl is going to be classy.

She is getting a few of these
I was beginning to see myself playing catch with a little boy, and now that has to change. I have to prepare myself to be surrounded by dolls, teddy bears, and pink. There will be tea parties, pony-tails, and other things that will make me feel completely clueless.

Being a father is important, but being a father to a girl is its own thing. I haven't figured it all out yet, but hopefully Anaya will take it easy on me.


  1. Don't give up on those catch dreams. My daughters might love to play dress-up and hug their dolls, but they are also VERY physical. DD is definitely a natural when it comes to soccer, and SI is all about tumbling and climbing and running and jumping... and they both love catch. You might have to give up on her pitching in the major leagues, but you can still help her get that college softball scholarship. You know?

    1. Yeah, that is a good point. I think I meant it in a figurative sense. Basically, my expectations and the way I go about certain things have to change. But I will definitely use any opportunity I can to get her a free college education. Thank you!

  2. EWWWWWW! no ducks clothing! haha. but this was a really sweet post alan. i can already tell shes got you wrapped around her finger.

  3. Congratulations on parenthood! I'm popping over from 20SB. I can't wait til I have some of my own but in the meantime I will read about your journey! About to follow, check me out at
