Sunday, May 20, 2012

There is never enough time for anything. As I near the end of Spring term I can't help but think how fast time has gone by. In just a few weeks I will be done with school for a few weeks. As I sit here typing this, I can't help but feel a twinge of guilt knowing that I should be doing homework instead of blogging...

Anyways, I was chatting with a cousin in Mexico and we were talking about how there doesn't seem to be enough time to do anything. In the last few weeks of school I have a long report due, two math tests, a mock trial, an astronomy final, literature final, and all kinds of homework for those classes. On top of all of that there is work and my church activities. We are also starting birthing classes too. Oh, and we're having a baby soon.

Here is the interesting part; while it seems that life is flying past us at the speed of light, waiting for Anaya feels like we are wading through molasses. Time seems to come to a crawl when we think that in 60-some days we are going to have a baby. The only other time I feel time move so slowly is during "class discussions" in one of my more boring classes.

Time is an interesting phenomenon; it is really hard to define it. Recently, I had a moment when I realized how fast time really moves. When I was a kid, and hour seemed to be an impossible amount of time. The beginning of the school year felt like base camp on Mt. Everest. Now, for some reason time has a different feel to it; it was like someone hit a giant fast-forward button on a giant VCR. Remember those?

Recently I was in the middle of a conversation on the topic of dreams. A person who knows about such things was saying that in our dreams our minds are not constrained by time; deja-vu exists because our minds have traveled to places that we haven't been before. I don't know if I agree with this person or not, but it's an interesting thought. There are times when I feel that this is all a dream because even though I know she is coming, it still feels like she is far away.

I say all of that to say this, I can't wait for her to be here. I have to constantly remind myself to be patient and appreciate the days we have left before our life is invaded, but it's not easy. I suppose it comes down to human nature; we are always anticipating what is on the other side of the closed door. In this very moment my closed door is time. 

In other baby-related news...I built the crib. Pics to come when we get it all put together. 

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