Monday, December 12, 2011

Appointment #2

If you read my blog post titled, "The Unknown", then you know about our fist doctor's appointment. It was an experience that made us reflect on how fragile this process really is. We learned from the experience, and I especially, learned to trust God that everything will work out either way. It is not an easy lesson to learn, especially when things aren't going your way.

Needless to say, we were both anxious to get to the next appointment. The doctor had told us that we would get a better picture of the baby, and that we would see a heartbeat. We would also have a better understanding of how far along we were and when our due date is. To get an idea of the timeline, the doctor measure the fetus on the ultrasound screen.

So there we were, at the clinic. As an interpreter, I have been getting used to working in medical environments without feeling uncomfortable, but for some reason these appointments make me feel uneasy. That feeling is made worse by the fact that there are no male-oriented magazines in the waiting area. They have all kinds of publications targeted at mothers-to-be, and seniors, and women in general, but there is not a single "Car and Driver" in sight. The magazines are there to help you pass the time, and to put you at ease. It would make sense to leave something there for the men-folk who dutifully accompany their wives to their appointments. Fortunately, my wife was called back quickly, and I did not have to suffer the indignity of having to read "Pregnant Ladies' Journal."

We step into the little room, and we go through the usual steps with the nurse. My wife's nausea has been strong lately, but apparently that is a good thing. I think that is something that non-pregnant doctors tell their pregnant patients because they really have no good answer for morning sickness. They smile at you and say, "That means your baby is growing." I just nodded and smiled back. We were just excited to see our baby for the first time. 

The doctor brought out the ultrasound machine, and she began to look for the fetus. She had to zoom in and out, but when she found it we were speechless. There it was. A little white peck on a screen. A little person growing, developing, and wreaking havoc on my wife's digestive system. Morning sickness is a complete misnomer, by the way.

1.38 by 2.50 centimeters. That is about the size of a blueberry. According to the doctor, that would put the birth date sometime in July. It seems like such a long way off, but we are already at the two month mark. Those first two months really flew by. I am sure the next seven months will be the same.

After we saw the baby there was not much to discuss, so we left the doctor's office. There is so much that can be said, but looking at this picture leaves me without words. I can only think about how grateful I am for this little blessing, and how excited I am to meet him(or her). We definitely felt better after this appointment. Seeing the baby on the screen made this even more real, and we can't wait to watch him or her develop into a little person.

In March we should be able to determine the sex of the baby. Yes, we want to know. It would help with choosing a name, preparing the nursery, and it would make it easier to write this blog.

So here he (or she) is. Making his (or her) online debut. The little white speck in the middle is our baby.


  1. daaaang alan!!! never knew u were a good writer. haha im excited for u guys and cant wait to read more about ur journey as parents

  2. Thank you, Mackenzie. I'm glad you like it. I like reading your blog too.
