Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Impatiently Patient.

We have a crib, a car seat, tons of baby clothes, diapers, and no baby.

My wife and I are becoming impatient to say the least, and I really don't know why. The "official" countdown app on my phone says there are still nine days left, but for some reason it feels like she should already be here. We started off with nothing, and now that we have everything it  feels so useless because we are still missing the most important part. Like a Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings, but no turkey. 

Several appointments ago the doctor said to us that she could come early, and  that has stuck in our minds like a bad song. We know that the doctor is just making an educated guess, but to us her words become truth. It's our inexperience combined with our desire to meet our little girl. We heard what we wanted to hear, and now we cannot un-hear it. 

The hospital bags are packed and ready to go at a moments notice. Even the smallest  contraction makes us wonder, "Is this the one?" So far, it hasn't been the one, and that just adds to our impatience. In our minds, the timer starts only to stop moments later.

I know that we don't really have a reason to be impatient. Her due date is still days away, and she could even be born after her due date. If anything, we should be treasuring these last days of peace and tranquility.

Then again, we do have a reason to be impatient. We are impatient to see what she looks like, to hear what she sounds like, to smell what she smells like, and to feel what she feels like. We are impatient to hold her and to touch her. We are impatient to show her to our friends and family. We are impatient to post pictures online and have the everyone say how beautiful she is. 

Thankfully, life has a way of keeping is grounded. Our family, jobs, and other responsibilities are still keeping us busy. Those are the things that occupy our minds and our time. Without them we probably would have gone crazy by now, which is still a possibility. It is easier to type this than is is to accept it, but we know that she will come when she is ready. Hopefully she will be ready sooner rather than later. 
Once again I would like to mention my friends Jason and Naomi Rice and their adoption. They are raising money until the 15th, and they could use your help. If you can't donate help them spread the word. You can do so by visiting their blog here and you can read their entire story here.


  1. Aww, waiting at the end is the worst! My sister-in-law just gave birth today and she's been so stir crazy for the last couple weeks. In fact, when the doctor told her they'd induce her last night, she cleaned the house while waiting for her ride because she couldn't sit still! I hope your little princess comes soon and is healthy. Best of luck!

  2. Wow! Congratulations to your family, and thank you for reading and for your kind words.

  3. Awww!! Congratulations on your upcoming new arrival! I saw your post on 20sb, and thought I would check you out :) So glad I did! What a beautiful time you are going through. :) Try not to be so impatient, you'll look back on this time years down the road and wonder where all the time went, trust me! (I have two!)... Easier said than done, I know. Some advice - try to encourage your wife to sleep lots at this time, she will need her energy! In regards to Joslins comment above, needing to get up and do something such as cleaning is a sure sign it's about time to go! Also, at the risk of sounding crude, something that has worked for numerous people I know who are just too impatient to wait any longer, is some good old fashioned lovin'. Winning! lol Here's an article for your perusal Great blog :)

  4. I know all too well what that waiting is like - rest assured though, she will come! Probably when you least expect it. I know for me, I was in early labor and was admitted to the hospital overnight, only to be sent home in the morning only to go back and have the baby and I tell you, when I was sent home it was crushing because I was SO ready for that baby to come. But he's here now and don't worry your little girl will come soon too. And you never know, it could just be later today. It is always closer than you think.
